Orion MicroXplore Duo-Scope S400 LED Microscope

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Þekking skiptir okkur öll máli, að auka áhuga barna á vísindum er öllum til góða.

Þetta vísinda tæki jafngildir sömu smásjá sem notast er við á milli skólastigum og framhaldsskólum um allan heim. Þetta er fræðandi fjárfesting sem hvetur nemendur til að auka þekkingu þeirra á vísindum. Hannað fyrir 8 ára og eldri, þessi smásjá er á góðu verði, er fullkomin til nokunar fyrir heimili og skóla. Notar AA rafhlaður fyrir LED lýsinguna, svo auðvelt er að ferðast með hana.

  • Gerir lærdóminn um vísindi "skemmtilegri".
  • Ráðlagt fyrir 8 ára og eldri.
  • Hefur alvöru sjóngler,10x vítt-svæði augngler, og innbyggt 20 vatta LED lýsingu.
  • Foreldrar munu meta þetta „flotta tæki“ þegar þau sjá börnin sín fá áhuga á vísindum.
  • Yfir 30 aukahlutir fylgja.

Útsöluverð 13.990.-

Orion MicroXplore Duo-Scope S400 LED Microscope

Reviewer: Ivan Gastaldo
I am very satisfied with the quality and performance of this microscope... (I doubt you'll find a better option at this price range, believe me.) Construction is sturdy, and the lenses and mechanics seem to be of good quality. The dual function of this equipment is a fantastic thing to have, as you can observe the objects in two different ways (illuminated from top or bottom), and at 3 different magnifications. While the manual is not as explicit at it could be, most things can be figured out on your own (talking about the accessory kit). I've shown my kids, and neighbor kids, many things already, and they all were very impressed with the detail of the objects they saw. All in all, very happy with the purchase. Thanks guys,
Rating:   *****

Reviewer: Nolwenn Delisle
I would recommend this telescope to anyone who loves detailed pictures and science! Amateur or intermediate!
Rating:  *****

Reviewer: Walt Spence
Compares well with more expensive instruments available from other vendors. Build quality is utilitian but fairly solid. Images are sharp and bright at 40x and 100x. 400x was dimmer, and focus was a little difficult, but it was definitely usable. I was surprised, as the highest magnification achievable on most inexpensive optics is usually for marketing purposes only. The young recipient was very pleased. Please note that glass slides, stains, and a scalpel are included, so don't just hand this to a young child without taking appropriate safety measures.
Rating:   *****

Reviewer: Christopher Hamm
As always another superior product from Orion! My daughter and I spent several hours Christmas morning with this gem. The optics are outstanding! Very well made! My only complaint is the lack of information regarding the included accessories. I wasn't expecting all the extra "goodies" that were included. I highly recommend this microscope.
Rating:  *****